Saturday, June 27, 2009

Crooked Houses

Anyone who didn't see the previous episode on Monday night wouldn't know about the kids crooked houses. Crooked houses are just a little play house that looks like a kid built it. Its well crooked or at least looks crooked like a child constructed it. They send you an outline of a crooked house and you draw on it and color it the colors you want your crooked house to have. You send it back to them. They make it and send you a picture and if you give them the okay they come in and set them up. The kids love them. They are great. We got a total of 4 crooked houses. Mady and Cara each got one. The little girls got one and the boys got one. Mady got a vet clinic. Cara got a haunted house. The little girls got a garden shop and the little boys got a pirate ship :)

As many of you know Jon and I are separating. The kids are staying where they are and Jon and I are alternating. We have taking a little while off from filming. Next week on Monday they will just play back some clips of Jon and mines 10 year marriage. The rest of season 5 wont start back up again until August 3rd.

Thanks everyone so much for all the support!,

Kate Gosselin

Away for the weekend

Jon has the kids this weekend. I am going to be having dinner tonight with some old friends from college. I miss my babys so much!

Does anyone have any ideas what would be some fun vacations for the kids this summer?

Back on the net

Hey everyone! I was just taking a few days to re group and what not.
here are the best way to get in touch with me if you have any questions.

or facebook: